Seeking short term housing opportunity
From Australia to Zimbabwe to Guatemala: D. Bucher has already traveled to numerous countries in her life. When the native of Emmenbrücke is in Switzerland, she lives in a business apartment from GLANDON.
D. Bucher's furnished apartment is small compared to a classic rental apartment. However, for the passionate globetrotter, it offers everything she needs to live. «When I travel, I only have the essentials with me», explains Bucher, who spends around 3-4 months of the year abroad. Another advantage: knowing she could move out within a month – and not have to haul and adjust furniture. Although this flexibility is important to her, Bucher is one of GLANDON Apartments' «loyal» tenants. She has lived in a furnished room in Lucerne since 2014.
Book today, move in tomorrow
At that time, D. Bucher was in an emergency situation. She had to find a new «home» overnight. «I received some addresses for short-term housing options, one of which was from GLANDON Apartments. After the first phone call, everything happened very quickly: during the visit, it was immediately clear to me that it should be this room. I was thrilled by the location», says Bucher. Nothing has changed in that regard to this day. Bucher still gets excited when she talks about the «Felsental» apartment building. It is mostly quiet in the neighborhood, she says, and she can hear the birds chirping. In addition, she can reach the lake within minutes on foot and walk into the city of Lucerne. «I was looking for tranquility and contentment – and I found it», says Bucher, who works as an artist and creates and sells
Mexican wooden boxes, among other things.

D. Bucher enjoys the sun's rays on the shared terrace of her business apartment.
Shared terrace for all tenants
If she wants to meet other tenants, all D. Bucher has to do is step outside the door. "Especially in the summer months, it's easy to socialize on the community terrace," Bucher says. But she herself usually prefers the peaceful atmosphere. Since the summer before last, the Emmenbrück native has also found this by kayaking on Lake Lucerne. Bucher has also loved motorcycling for more than 30 years. During the Corona months, there was more time for her hobbies in Switzerland, but now she will soon be traveling abroad again. And what will happen to the GLANDON apartment in the meantime? "It will stay exactly as it is and await my return," Bucher smiles.