GLANDON's European Championship prediction game – the winners

On 14 July 2024, Spain won the European Championship final – and so the winners of the GLANDON prediction game have been decided.

The 1st place goes to «Fam». He wins two nights for two people in a premium suite at the Art Déco Hotel ELITE in Biel, including breakfast.
2nd place goes to «RubenH». He wins a voucher worth CHF 250 for lunch at the gourmet restaurant «CAAA by Pietro Catalano» in Lucerne.
«Monica» came in 3rd place. She wins a meal voucher worth 100 francs, redeemable at «L'Osteria» in Basel, Biel or Lucerne.

Congratulations on your impressive accuracy and excellent instinct for the results! We would like to thank everyone for their dedicated participation and sporting ambition.

Now we wish you a relaxing, glorious summer.